Asking Serious Coronavirus Questions After Falling Ill At A Party

People aren't fond of boredom. Many individuals, particularly city dwellers, are social animals. That's why they go out on weekends. The coronavirus pandemic, however, altered the way people usually behave. In certain jurisdictions, restaurants and bars face mandatory shutdown orders. Localities may even outlaw gatherings of 10 or more people. Not everyone adheres to these laws, though. Some flagrantly violate several rules. Hosting parties at an apartment in defiance of local orders and puts the organizer at risk for legal issues. If someone attending the party contracts the virus, the person hosting the party may be held fully or partially liable.

Legal Questions Arise About Liability

A particular lawsuit centers on specific circumstances. Negligent behavior associated with an illegal "coronavirus" gatherings could fall on both the hosts and the attendees. If someone attending the party knew or should have known the risks, then putting 100% of the blame on the host may be questionable. However, any of the host's additional negligent actions could place liabilities on him/her. Questions of negligence could include:

Was the host running an illegal business? 

Some apartment-dwellers opted to open private parties to the public and sell alcohol and food, to take advantage of bar closures. Running such an unlicensed "establishment" violates various laws and opens doors to potential liability claims.

Was any attempt made to sanitize the interior?

Failure to properly clean the apartment, including bleaching the entire bathroom and the kitchen, along with disinfecting all surfaces, could indicate liability. Bringing people into an apartment increases the chances of spreading the virus. Viruses can survive on surfaces for a time, which helps them to spread if not disinfected. Failure to clean the interior comes off as negligent. Not cleaning or disinfecting the interior after a Friday night party and then holding a Saturday gather could appear irresponsible. A decision to lie about cleanups to attendees would likely compound negligence.

What was the policy regarding masks and gloves?

This question raises several others. Where attendees allowed to mingle without wearing gloves or masks? Did the host provide gloves or masks to those without them? If so, did the host ask people who refused to comply with the rules to leave? Similar questions could center on the host's regulations regarding social distancing, too.

Civil suits targeting party hosts, and even other attendees raise many complex legal questions. Those questions may find their answers in a courtroom or find resolution via a settlement, among different outcomes. Individuals who feel negligence contributed to the onset of illness may find it wise to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney.
